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—what’s happening—
The Growth Track will guide you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you. Over the course of three weeks, you will experience a new step to connect with the church, discover your unique gifting, and find awesome and life-giving opportunities to join Team Vineyard and make a difference in the lives of others! If you haven’t gone through The Growth Track yet, sign up today and join us!
From Good Friday to Saturday Easter Events for kids to special Easter services throughout the weekend and much more … click button for all the information you need to spend Easter with us at the North Jersey Vineyard!
Alpha | Wednesdays beginning April 23 | 6:30pm
We are getting ready to start a new season of Alpha, and we’d love to have you join us on this journey of exploring our faith together! Alpha is course that centers around life-giving discussions about Christianity, prayer, faith, and so much more. We begin with a meal together and then jump into real, honest conversations around topics such as: "Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next?" Bring your questions -- there's nothing you can't ask. This is a great start for those who have recently started following Jesus as well as those who have been on this journey for a while. There’s a seat for you at the table … so come join us at Alpha!
#Adulting: 24 Hour Prayer Event | April 11 - 12
#Adulting -- our group for young adults -- is heading to Nepal this spring on a missions trip, and all are invited to join them in an upcoming 24 hour Prayer Event at the church in preparation for the trip. There will be time slots throughout the 24 hour period where we can come and cover the trip and the team in prayer together.
To participate, click on the button to sign up for a timeslot. For more information, EMAIL Victor Tuazon, one of the leaders of #Adulting.
Holy Spirit Conference 2025: “Experiencing the Father’s Love” | May 2 - 3
We’re getting ready for our upcoming annual Holy Spirit Conference in May, and we can't wait! Our special guest speaker is Ed Piorek, Vineyard pastor, speaker, and author who helps people connect with the Father's love. After a profound and personal encounter where he experienced the love of God the Father, he is now compelled to share it with others, and it is our privilege to have him with us!
All are invited to join us for this powerful and transformative two-day conference. Tickets are $40 for the full conference and walk-ins per session are also available. Click on the button below for all the information you need plus registration. We hope you’ll join us!
#Adulting is headed to Nepal in the Spring of 2025! They have launched a new website to serve as a fundraiser for their Missions Team, offering a wide variety of services that you can explore. Providers listed will be donating the proceeds to support individual team members. We appreciate your partnership in seeing God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Click on the button to learn more about the #Adulting Missions Team and their Services Fundraiser.
Looking for more?
Click to find out more information about all that we have for you at NJV!
information about Sunday services and programs
sermon notes and other materials for Sunday services
tech and print resources for your use
Open Door Community Center and other community connections