When giving online, please scroll through the various options from the menu to ensure that your gift goes to the appropriate destination.
The North Jersey Vineyard is now equipped to receive cryptocurrency as a donation option.
To give using Bitcoin, use this address:
To give using Ethereum, use this address:
Not a fan of online giving?
Not a problem!
[ we’ve got you covered ]
Give at a service.
Fill out the giving envelope provided in the auditorium, and drop it in the offering basket after the service.
Mail it in.
Use the offering envelope provided or your own envelope from home. Simply mail it to our office.
Bill Pay.
Go to your bank’s website and sign up for automatic giving.
“Is my giving tax deductible?”
All contributions to the North Jersey Vineyard are 100% tax-deductible. If giving cash, an offering envelope must be completed for your offering to be tax-deductible. Giving statements are mailed twice per year.